合作者的居所 The Dwelling of Collaborators
洪聖雄個展 HUNG Sheng-Hsiung Solo Exhibition
洪聖雄個展 HUNG Sheng-Hsiung Solo Exhibition
展期 Dates
2023/11/26(Sun.) -12/24(Sun.)
開幕 Opening
11/26(Sun.) 15:00
地點 Venue
水谷藝術 Waley Art
臺北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號(No.6,Lane 322 Wanda Road,Wanhua District,Taipei City,Taiwan)
2023/11/26(Sun.) -12/24(Sun.)
開幕 Opening
11/26(Sun.) 15:00
地點 Venue
水谷藝術 Waley Art
臺北市萬華區萬大路322巷6號(No.6,Lane 322 Wanda Road,Wanhua District,Taipei City,Taiwan)
展覽介紹 Exhibition Introduction
當代藝術的創作生產,在許多時候有其策略性和特定的鑲嵌關係。如何提取這樣的生產關係,並在展覽的脈絡上以日常生活的方式加以美學化並再次生產,是洪聖雄在《合作者的居所》試圖創造的事情。 進入水谷藝術,觀眾會發現展場中並沒有任何一處擺放著明確與「作品」定義相關聯的物件,相反地,窗戶透出的光線以及聯結空間的建築元素,以幽微的姿態試圖向觀眾述說在這居住空間所見證過的時空變遷。現場能感受到吊扇的微風吹拂、燈飾光影相互映照、離散的文字與視覺物件,亦如劇場角色一般在空間中進行對話與牽連,搖滾樂團的音樂則適度地呼應空氣流動的節奏。洪聖雄在本次展覽計畫中邀集十組公司品牌與藝術外擴工作者共同合作,在此處以編導式的創作方式介入空間,由藝術做為中介的策略,揭露當代藝術情境中的生產關係。同時,這也是一場「人」與「物」相遇的過程 ∕ 風景,日常生活的詩學在此被藝術轉換為真正的主角。 The Dwelling of Collaborators
The creation of contemporary art often involves strategic and specific interconnected relationships. How to use everyday methods to extract such productive relationships and aestheticise and reproduce them in an exhibition setting is what Hung Sheng-Hsiung seeks to achieve with The Dwelling of Collaborators. Upon entering the exhibition space at Waley Art, the audience will notice the absence of objects that can be clearly defined as a “work of art”. On the contrary, the natural light from the window and the architectural elements that unite the spaces subtly convey the spatial and temporal changes that this living area has witnessed. Inside the space, gentle drafts are felt coming from a ceiling fan, and there is an interplay of light and shadow and also some dispersed words and visual objects; like characters in a theatrical production, they come together in the space to engage in a dialogue and to interact with one another. The rock music playing in the background also befittingly corresponds to the rhythms of the circulating air. The artist has invited ten collaborators – ranging from brands to a broader spectrum of art practitioners, intervening in the space using a staged approach. This strategy employs art as an intermediary to expose the production relations within the context of contemporary art. At the same time, this is also a process/scene of an encounter between people and objects, with art applied to transform the poetics of everyday life into a genuine main character. |
獨立樂團|布萊梅 家具店|品緻 風扇設計|Kubrick 燈飾設計|Licht im Raum 燈飾設計|睦叄精品燈飾 五金選物|流石五金選物 營造工程|德昕營造 視覺設計|王昱惟 攝影|劉薳粲 口筆譯|林庭如 |
Indie Band|Bremen Entertainment lnc. Furniture Store|Beauxarts Fan Design|Kubrick Lighting Design|Licht im Raum Lighting Design|Moodsans Hardware Store|Sasugas Construction Engineering|De Xin Construct Visual Design|Yagi WANG Photography|LIU Wei-Tsan Translation & Interpreting|LIN Ting-Ru |
展覽資訊 Exhibition Information
►展覽演出 Performance
〈Skimming〉陳薇 Chen Wei 展演時間 Performance Date 2023.11.26 (Sun.) 15:00 2023.12.09 (Sat.) 15:30 展演時間大約30分鐘 The performance will last around 30 minute ►藝術家座談 Artist Talk
時間 Date 2023.12.09 (Sat.) 14:00 與談人 Commentators 莊偉慈 Chuang Wei-Tzu 陳松志 Chen Sung-Chih 藝術家 Artist 洪聖雄 Hung Sheng-Hsiung 主辦單位|水谷藝術 Waley Art
贊助單位|臺北市文化局、國藝會 水谷藝術獲國藝會112年「視覺藝術組織營運補助專案」補助 |
【藝術家座談】|座談連結 |
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