工作屋 The Work Room
2020 | 裝置,尺寸依場地而定
2020 | Installation. Dimensions variable
2020 | 裝置,尺寸依場地而定
2020 | Installation. Dimensions variable
《工作屋》由木工師傅與藝術家共同協作呈現。 An artist’s studio is probably the most ideal place for their works as it keeps the works in a dynamic condition. In the contemporary art world, displaying and creating art are often happening at the same time, so one may begin to wonder if the museum work room can support the creative energy of the art sector. Based on the image of the work room, this work was developed, and it includes real-world materials and equipment for installing an exhibition. With the overall space layout, not only is it a scene behind the biennale, but it’s also a proscenium stage for the audience to come and appreciate. The Work Room was jointly created by carpenters and the artist. |