暫存 Temporary storage
2022 | 裝置、動態影像 2022 | Installation. Dimensions variable, Moving image 臺藝大藝術聚落 35.06.02 NTUA Art Village 35.06.02 《暫存》為四頻道錄像裝置 , 討論虛擬空間、現實空間之間的「間距」,以「數位模型」滲透改建的聚落建築,並以標記、運鏡、材 質轉換、描摹的手法模糊化觀眾的空間意識及感知狀態,《暫存》 從現場性、現地性等思維,重新定義一個地方的存在與非存在。透過在經歷一段穿越建築的路程,並且在觀看方才所穿越的路程後, 觀眾會開始懷疑自己是否又再次途經同一個地方,以此「既視感」 錯亂觀眾的大腦。
《Temporary storage》 is a four-channel video installation that investigates the inter-distance between virtual space and reality space, penetrates the reframed settlement building with digital model which blur the spatial consciousness and perception of viewers through the techniques of marking, camera movement, materials transform and portraying. 《Temporary storage》 redefines the existence and non-existence of a place in the reflecting on liveness and locality. After the experiences of a journey walking through the buildings and viewing of its traces, the viewers might doubt if oneself has across the same place again, a ‘déjà vu’ to confuse the minds. |