再見 see you
有章藝術博物館 Yo-Chang Art Museum 2020 | 裝置,尺寸依場地而定 2020 | Installation. Dimensions variable. 現地製作 | sitsite-specifice 座落於國立臺灣藝術大學的有章藝術博物館,近年來連結教育資源、學術研究、藝術展演,構成新北市 重要的藝術機構,有章藝術博物館即將於 2020 年底謝幕,進行擴建新館的規劃。《see you》是洪聖雄 2020 年於有章藝術博物館進行的創作計畫,他以「破壞建築」的創作方法回應展覽場域與建築主體的歷史流變, 並試圖將其解疆域化來探究「非地方」之議題。他以電鎬、鑿刀對建築主體進行雕鑿、消減與破壞,並運 用個人的造形語彙塑造「時間」與「建築體」的相互關係,藉此轉化美學式的創作設想。 The Our Museum of National Taiwan University of Arts has recently integrated the education resources with academic studying and art performances that established the significant art institution in New Taipei City. The Our Museum’s denouement will come upon at the end of 2020, and progressed with an arrangement of expansion. ‘See You’ is an art project that created by Sheng-Hsiung,HUNG in The Our Museum at 2020, he uses ‘destruct building’ as a creating method to respond the historical changing of exhibition’s space and building’s subject, a tempting of deterritorialization of which to investigate the issue of ‘non-place’. He used electric pick and chisel to sculpt, demolish and destroy the subject of building, and applied his personalized modeling gestures on constructing the interrelationship of ‘time’ and ‘building’, transform the aesthetical creating ideas that predetermined. |