破碎拾景 Landscapes of Fragmented Structures
洪聖雄個展 HUNG Sheng-Hsiung Solo Exhibition
洪聖雄個展 HUNG Sheng-Hsiung Solo Exhibition
展期 Dates
2023/6/28(Sat.) -8/02(Fri.)
開幕酒會 Opening Reception
2024/6/29(Sat.) 16:30-18:30
開幕座談 Opening Talk
2024/6/29(Sat.) 15:00-16:00
地點 Venue
安卓藝術 Mind Set Art Center
臺北市內湖區文湖街20號(1F,No.20,Wenhu St.,Neihu Dist.,Taipei City 114,Taiwan)
2023/6/28(Sat.) -8/02(Fri.)
開幕酒會 Opening Reception
2024/6/29(Sat.) 16:30-18:30
開幕座談 Opening Talk
2024/6/29(Sat.) 15:00-16:00
地點 Venue
安卓藝術 Mind Set Art Center
臺北市內湖區文湖街20號(1F,No.20,Wenhu St.,Neihu Dist.,Taipei City 114,Taiwan)
展覽介紹 Exhibition Introduction
安卓藝術將於 2024 年6月28日到8月2日於畫廊衛星空間Project Room推出年輕藝術家洪聖雄的個展「破碎拾景」。本展除了延續藝術家過往的創作路徑,也以新的形式呈現其限地(site-specific)製作的作品「彌生」(YAYOI)系列,以及《再見》(See You)、《線》(Boundary)和首次發表的新作《砌殼》(Stacking Shells),藝術家引領我們在層疊的時間性與空間性中,看見創作過程裡敏感而精準的材料語言,以及當代雕塑的擴延可能。展覽訂於6月29日開幕,並於當日下午3:00邀請國立臺灣美術館陳貺怡館長和藝術家舉行開幕座談,接續於下午4:30舉行開幕酒會,我們誠摯邀請您的蒞臨。 泥塑在傳統雕塑中多以增添的「加法」創造獨立物件,或透過添附於建物上,賦予建築別具意義的風景,或時間性的敘事。「彌生」以泥塑的脈絡為參照,將白色免燒陶土作為主要媒材,並以藝術家的勞動為中介,藉由反覆的行為過程,形成既規律又隨機的土層。而待土乾燥,原有的柔韌被時間帶走,留下軟性的皮層與硬化的質地,彷彿一道被時間凝固的空間薄膜。相較於「彌生」系列,《再見》與《線》則更緊密地與建築物貼合,並以低限的方法回應建築的歷史與現狀。2020年的《再見》,以預定拆除的有章博物館為對象,將一柱子與週邊地面鑿開,翻掀的建築碎塊於另一方集成堆,使展間形成廢墟一般的景象;2021的《線》,則是以即將走入都更計畫的舊臺北紙廠為主角,在一樓的地面上挖鑿出一道長溝,鑿開的溝上混雜碎裂的水泥塊,構成筆直的、具有身體感的切線。《再見》與《線》中鑿起的碎塊,後續被藝術家裝入木製展示箱中。建築碎片的身份,經取出、遠離、封存、再展呈後逐漸佚失,轉而成為更具精神性的中性載體。而《砌殼》則是洪聖雄重新省思限地製作的經驗後的全新創作。藝術家從「擊碎蛋殼」的日常行為出發,梳理行為與空間彼此交疊出的細膩層次。殼之薄,卻也堅韌,圓潤而簡單的造型,讓形變的細節清晰可見。作品的空間層次不僅指向物件成型後的質感堆疊,同時也暗喻構建過程的層層工法、行為的反覆堆砌。 對洪聖雄而言,雕塑不僅是單一物件的創造、描摹,而是建構一幅具整體性的景象。景象既建立於現實,同時也存在抽象的感知聯繫。藝術家的介入,將這些聯繫變得可見,透過撿拾線索、拼集碎片化的情境,顯現出時間與空間的層層皮膜,進而呈現了一幅既真實又抽象的風景。 Landscapes of Fragmented Structures
Mind Set Art Center is pleased to present in its Project Room “Landscapes of Fragmented Structures”, a solo exhibition of young artist Hung Sheng-Hsiung. The show will be a continuation of Hung’s creative path and consists of site-specific works such as “YAYOI”, “See You”, “Boundary” as well as a brand-new series titled “Stacking Shells”. Through his works, the artist is hoping to immerse the viewers in a space where time has a layered quality, to present the meticulous language specific to the material, and to showcase the possibilities of contemporary sculpture. The show is scheduled to kick off on 29 June. The gallery will host an opening talk at 3:00 p.m. between the artist and Chen Kuang-Yi, director of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, following by an opening reception at 4:30. You are cordially invited to join us at the event. Clay sculpture is traditionally constructed through the process of “addition”. Clay is either accumulated in mass on its own or added onto existing architecture to imbue it with specific visual or temporal qualities. With that reference in mind, the artist has sculpted “YAYOI” with white air-dry clay. The artist has repeatedly sculpted its surface, eventually forming a surface that’s random yet even. Malleability is eventually removed from the dried clay, leaving a layer of hardened skin that looks like a membraned frozen in time. Compared to “YAYOI”, Hung’s two other works, “See You” and “Boundary” is more closely connected to architecture, as they both respond to the history and status quo of the discipline in a minimalist manner. The making of 2020’s “See You” involves digging the ground around a pillar of a to-be demolished museum, and building the resulting rubbles into a pile as a metaphor for a ruined landscape. “Boundary”, made in 2021, is based on the Shihlin Paper Factory, which was part of Taipei’s urban redevelopment plan. The artist digs a long ditch on the ground floor, and fills it with pieces of cracked cement to form sharp and angular lines. The rubbles from the making of “See You” and “Boundary” are then put into a wooden box for display. After being dug out, carried through long distances, sealed in boxes, and eventually lost after the display, the rubbles have been transformed into a neutral medium imbued with spirituality. “Stacking Shells” is a new series by Hung Sheng-Hsiung after his careful deliberation on site-specific creation. The artist starts with the routine act of “breaking egg shells” and refines the layered interaction between the act and its surrounding space. The thin yet resilient shell allows the artist to clearly display the change in its shape. The final work goes beyond its visual quality and hints at the repeated nature of the artist’s craft and movements in the process of making. To Hung Sheng-Hsiung, sculpture is more than the creation and portrayal of a single object. It is a comprehensive landscape that is both grounded in reality while exhibiting abstract sensibilities. The artist demonstrates these qualities in his works. By collecting and assembling fragmented scenarios, Hung unveils many the skin-like layers in space and time and constructs a realistic yet abstract landscape. |
展覽資訊 Exhibition Information
►開幕座談 Opeming Talk
時間 Date 2024.6.29 (Sat.) 15:00-16:00 與談人 Commentators 國立臺灣美術館 陳貺怡館長 Director CHEN Kuang-Yi of the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 藝術家 Artist 洪聖雄 HUNG Sheng-Hsiung 主辦單位|安卓藝術 Mind Set Art Center
贊助單位|國家文化藝術基金會 、財團法人生命之花藝術基金會 論述協力|施絜晴 |
【展覽座談】|座談連結 |
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