Exhibitions News
2025 |
Group Exhibition Jan 10 - Jan 12 藝術台北 ONE ART Taipei,Mind Set Art Center Hotel Metropolitan Premier,Taipei,Taiwan |
砌殼系列 Stacking Shells
ONE ART Taipei|Hotel Metropolitan Premier|Mind Set Art Center|Taipei|Taiwan|2025
ONE ART Taipei|Hotel Metropolitan Premier|Mind Set Art Center|Taipei|Taiwan|2025
破碎拾景 Landscapes of Fragmented Structures
Mind Set Art Center|Taipei|Taiwan|2024
Mind Set Art Center|Taipei|Taiwan|2024
合作者的居所 The Dwelling of Collaborators
Waley Art|Taipei|Taiwan|2023
Waley Art|Taipei|Taiwan|2023
合作者的居所 The Dwelling of Collaborators
Signal Z|TheMuseum of Contemporary Art|Taipei|Taiwan|2023
Signal Z|TheMuseum of Contemporary Art|Taipei|Taiwan|2023
暫存 Temporary Storage
National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2022
National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2022
地景接縫 Landscape Jointing
Transcodage : Art Surveying Techniques of Maps|Contemporary CultureLab|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
Transcodage : Art Surveying Techniques of Maps|Contemporary CultureLab|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
再見 See You|線 Boundary
YouShichido or Garan|Sin Pin Pier-Absolutely Art Space|Kaohsiung|Taiwan|2022
YouShichido or Garan|Sin Pin Pier-Absolutely Art Space|Kaohsiung|Taiwan|2022
線 Boundary
Taiwan Annual|Freesart space|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
Taiwan Annual|Freesart space|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
再見 See You
Sediment|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
Sediment|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2021
線 Boundary
Taipei paper mill|Taiwan|2021
Taipei paper mill|Taiwan|2021
再見 See You
TDCC Contemporary Arts Award|Taipei Artist Village|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
TDCC Contemporary Arts Award|Taipei Artist Village|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
工作屋 The Work Room
Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art:Authentic World|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art:Authentic World|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
櫃臺計劃 Counter Project
Contact-imaginary and Subsistence|Shin Leh Yuan Art Space|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
Contact-imaginary and Subsistence|Shin Leh Yuan Art Space|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
再見 See You
Blossoms Flourish in Fertile Wilderness|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
Blossoms Flourish in Fertile Wilderness|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2020
虛 ; 移 ; 界限 Virtual;Displacement;Boundary
National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
籠罩 Shrouded
Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art:Snaps Omni Expo|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Art:Snaps Omni Expo|Yo-Chang Art Museum|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
彌生–起床! YAYOI-Wake up!
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|NTUA Daguan Gallery|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|NTUA Daguan Gallery|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
彌生–支撐 YAYOI-Support
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|NTUA Daguan Gallery|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|NTUA Daguan Gallery|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
彌生–皮層 Cortex
In-corpoReal|Pinzhi|Art Space|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
In-corpoReal|Pinzhi|Art Space|Taipei|Taiwan|2019
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2018
NTUA Sculpture Annual Exhibition|National Taiwan University of Arts|Taipei|Taiwan|2018